The oddest SUP season on record!

Spring and Summer 2020.

The last SUP trip in the summer sun at Weir Wood Reservoir

The last SUP trip in the summer sun at Weir Wood Reservoir

What can I say. It’s been intense. Lockdowns and loss. Fear and furlough schemes. Homeschooling and home working stresses. Job cuts and redundancies. Escaping confined spaces with an hour of daily outdoor exercise. Keeping occupied with online courses, Netflix and home DIY projects. Two minutes of clapping like loons every Thursday evening to support our NHS and to catch a glimpse of another face. It’s driven the nation to seize slivers of fun, play and joy - wherever, whenever and however possible. And it would seem, paddle boarding has offered it all.

I’m not here to dwell any further on the bizarreness of 2020 - I’m here to say a massive THANK YOU to every.single.person who has helped to get SUP & Soul off the ground this year - despite the madness.

You have no idea how much your love, encouragement, coaching, support, investment, collaboration, invitations, custom, loves, likes and shares has helped to get me past all the self limiting beliefs and out onto the water. I genuinely would not, and could not, have achieved so many business and personal goals this year without YOU. Every one of you has played a significant part. In short, you rock.



A Revised Plan.

Despite the pants start to the season, no “proper job” to distract me and a forced pivot away from the original idea behind SUP & Soul - hosting retreats in Norway (which WILL happen one day) - I sucked up all my courage and officially opened for business in late July 2020. With a revised offering of stand up paddle boarding (SUP) lessons - from beginner taster SUP lessons to SUP progression sessions to hosted SUP adventures in and around Sussex and Hampshire. SUP lessons and adventures powered by nature and guaranteed to revive the soul. I came to realise my skills were very much in need and I soon had a client-base desperate for time away from the real world. Soon-to-be paddlers who were looking to get lost in nature, to safely explore our waterways and to find a sense of calm, joy and hope.

In this very short season, I’ve had the pleasure - and privilege - to introduce the miracle medicine of SUP to nearly one hundred people (!) and Nala, one very special and brave pup.

Hannah and Nala enjoying their maiden SUP voyage together on the River Adur

Hannah and Nala enjoying their maiden SUP voyage together on the River Adur

SUP Adventures Near and Far.

I’ve taught people to paddle board on rivers, lakes, reservoirs, lagoons and the sea. I’ve paddled in more places along the south coast in the past three months than I have in the past six years. Together with my clients, we’ve enjoyed sunrises, heatwaves, sunsets, liquid mercury waters, choppy waters, gusty days and serenely calm days, blue skies and blustery grey skies. We’ve had it all.

Surrounded by some of nature’s finest, we’ve paddled across inland and coastal waterways around Seaford, Brighton, Hove, Shoreham, Goring, Portsmouth, Southampton, Christchurch and Poole. We’ve met plenty of wildlife along the way - some favourites include ducklings, Canadian geese, cranes and the magnificent heron. Unlike most paddle boarders along the south coast, I’ve yet to spot our local pod of dolphins and of course the infamous seals of the Rivers Arun and Adur! Here’s to next year.

I’ve met some truly interesting and beautiful souls, we’ve enjoyed deep and meaningful chats and although we started out as strangers we left as friends. It’s incredible how spending a few hours together on the water, surrounded by nature, can break down barriers and allow us to open up more fully.

I’ve laughed and played with new and experienced paddlers, paddlers from all walks of life and paddlers of all ages - from 7 to 70. I’ve paddled with solo adventurers, couples and small groups. Families and friends. Mothers and daughters. Brothers and sisters. Fathers and sons. Grandparents and grandchildren. Friends and colleagues.

Together, we’ve celebrated birthdays and wedding anniversaries, toasted our dearly departed and commiserated long-term furlough which, for some, has sadly ended in redundancy. We’ve said our fair-wells to the past and looked forward to new beginnings.

Snapshots of my SUP & Soul clients and their SUP adventures

Snapshots of my SUP & Soul clients and their SUP adventures

Connecting through Stand Up Paddle Boarding.

We’ve covered every topic under the sun - from the obvious chats about SUP kit and technique, staying safe on the water and understanding/adapting technique for the conditions, all the way to navigating life in a pandemic, the pros and cons of homeschooling, learning to live with chronic illness, embracing our body and showing it gratitude rather than criticism, and importantly - discussing how we can better care for our natural green and blue space as a community.

I’ve seen people with a fear of water face it head on. I’ve witnessed people with medical conditions and physical impairments look to paddle boarding and water to find both balance in life and in body, to build their confidence and to get stronger. I’ve seen people go from zero to hero and beyond - finding a new connection with themselves and nature through SUP. I’ve seen people buy their first SUP board and work toward solo adventures with their newfound skills and confidence. I’ve coached people who took a leap and bought a board on a whim - using the likes of YouTube to learn how to SUP - I’ve coached them out of bad habits and taught them how to plan paddles and to stay safe on the water.

Pop Up Retreat Experience Day - A Soul Revival

I even managed to host the first (of many) SUP & Soul one day retreats - where a group of like-minded spirits spent the day in the great outdoors - alongside a beautiful body of water, surrounded by a nature reserve teeming with life. Together we escaped the hubbub of daily life and ventured into the wild where we played together, laughed together and cried together. We had paddle boarding adventures, life coaching fun and games, body confidence workshops, land and SUP yoga sessions accompanied by scrumptious homemade goodies. Find out more about this experience day to come plus new dates for 2021…if you’d like to stay in the loop sign up to my mailing list in the footer.

“It was the most incredible day out, being with like-minded people in a beautiful tranquil setting with amazing food and company. Cami and Thea were an amazing team who made a perfect day even more perfect.”

- SUP & Soul Pop Up Retreat Guest

Carry on Paddling.

I’ve learned more about what it is to be human in these last few months than I have in the past decade. I’ve seen just how capable we are at overcoming life’s hurdles - when we put our mind to it. We’re truly more resilient than we think. I’ve seen just how powerful a tonic laughter and nature are for many an ailment - whether physical or mental. Making space for more of this in our daily lives is essential. And just because spring and summer are behind us for this year, the paddle boarding fun doesn’t have to stop.

It may be autumn now, with winter looming. You might even think it’s time I hang up my SUP instructor (water) booties for the season. But it isn’t and I won’t. I refuse. I’ll be paddling all winter-long. And - my lovelies - you should too. With the right clothing, and the know-how, you too can enjoy paddle boarding all year round. If you want to keep progressing your newfound skills and discover for yourself the unique beauty of the English countryside in winter - soft light, quiet waters and refreshingly crisp air - then get in touch and come join me. It’s breathtaking. And as you now know, it’s seriously good for your soul.

See you out there!

Cami xx

All weather paddling - it’s all about the outfit!

All weather paddling - it’s all about the outfit!


What is a Water & Wellness Day?